sábado, diciembre 22, 2018

De Penny Dreadful (O de como los monstruos pueden entender el amor)

Alexander Sweet: We have been shunned in our time, Vanessa. The world turns away in horror. Why? Because we're different. Ugly. Exceptional. We're the lonely Night Creatures, are we not? The bat, the fox, the spider, the rat. 
Vanessa Ives: The scorpion. 
Alexander Sweet: The broken things. 
Vanessa Ives: The unloved.

Dracula: There's one monster who loves you for who you really are. And here he stands. I don't want to make you good. I don't want you to be normal. I don't want you to be anything but who you truly are. You have tried for so long to be what everyone wants you to be. What you thought you ought to be. What your church and your family and your doctors said you must be. Why not be who you are instead?
Vanessa: Myself.
Dracula: You will never be alone again. I will love you til time has lost all meaning.
Vanessa: Yes.
Dracula: Do you accept me?
Vanessa: I accept... myself.

viernes, diciembre 14, 2018

Simple y sencillo

Si siento que tengo que ocultarte partes de mi vida probablemente no soy la persona para ti, o tu no eres la persona para mi.